Dr. Joy Zabala
Director of Technical Assistance for CAST and the
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
Joy Smiley Zabala, Ed.D., is an internationally acclaimed general and special educator who has worked with students, families, education agencies, and others across the USA and abroad to expand the use of assistive technology and other supports to increase the communication, participation and productivity of people with disabilities. She is the developer of the SETT Framework, a founder of QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology), and a facilitator of the 3500-subscriber QIAT List. Dr. Zabala is currently the Director of Technical Assistance for CAST and the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials. She is a strong supporter of Universal Design for Learning assistive technology (AT) and accessible materials (AIM/AEM) as complementary supports for those students who require them for active participation and achievement in all environments.
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