Welcome to Virtual TechKnowledgy 2016-2017
Assistive technology (AT) can often be the game changer that allows children, youth and young adults to fully participate and be independent in educational and community activities. Apps designed with built-in features such as text to speech and voice recognition allow students to participate in instructional activities. Accessible instructional materials provide access to text that students with reading difficulties need. The variety of augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC) is broader and more accessible than ever. AAC allows users to make choices and comments, and engage in meaningful conversations with peers and adults. These are just a few trends recognized in the field of AT. Perhaps most important of all, with the emphasis on self-advocacy, students are participating even more in AT decision-making.
The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Centers are committed to helping professionals and families learn about new AT solutions by once again hosting the Virtual TechKnowledgy Conference. Explore the Conference Program to read full descriptions of the live webinars offered in November. February and April webinar descriptions will be posted at a later date. Don’t forget to visit the recently updated Virtual Exhibits Hall to learn about new AT products and resources offered by AT vendors.
REGISTRATION IS FREE! Certificates of Participation for licensure renewal will be available following the completion of each webinar!
This conference is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Centers (T/TACs) in an effort to provide ongoing professional development in the area of assistive technology to practitioners and families supporting students with disabilities.