Conference Program
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Toys cost money and accessible toys can cost a LOT of money. However, with some simple, cheap materials and tools that can be acquired at a local craft store or online, along with a little know-how, YOU can adapt simple plush toys up to remote controlled cars to make them switch accessible. Join us for this online session to learn how simple it can be to adapt toys yourself. Participants will receive a kit of materials in the mail to follow along with the facilitator and will end the session with their own adapted switch and battery interrupter to use with toys in their schools.
Thank you for your interest in the Adapting Play - Making Toys Accessible webinars. Both sessions have reached registration capacity. Because of the incredible demand for these webinars, we are planning to present them again in the winter/spring of 2020. Please watch for an announcement in January.