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Conference Program

Part 2- Designing and Delivering Empowering Experiences to Teach Language Using AAC
Date & Time: Thursday, April 27, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM ET
Location: Madison Bldg - Henrico B

Part 1 and Part 2 will explore different content. If a student is not successfully using verbal speech as her or his primary form of expression by the age of 3, the educators working with that student should be considering augmentative/alternative communication. What principles should everyone involved be using when making decisions about what technology to select for implementation and the design of the instruction? Teaching core vocabulary and using partner augmented input/aided language stimulation are now more widely implemented practices than ever before. What other actions, by those meant to support an individual learning language with AAC, are necessary to foster skills to create generative language whenever, where ever, to whomever? This session does a deep dive into additional considerations including least-to-most prompting, morphological instruction, explicit instruction of phrasal verbs (two or more core words put together which result in an altered meaning), and consistent symbol/word location. Teaching students how to use language using augmentative/alternative communication can be a difficult task. It takes a consistent, collaborative effort to successfully implement a functional language system. This interactive experience explores numerous strategies for teaching students of all language levels by engineering environments for rich, meaningful practice of language in the context of everyday routines. Participants will explore how to design educational experiences using free and low-cost technologies which empower the learner and their support network to achieve lifelong language goals. Participants will learn a systematic structure that can be implemented in either face-to-face or virtual learning environments for how to develop and foster skills in others so they can become effective communication partners and coaches. Participants will leave with a cogent, cohesive, and consistent plan of action to create a culture around learning a language using AAC; tying together comprehensive practical considerations, enjoyable and empowering instruction promoting joint engagement, and multi-faceted professional learning experiences for communication partners with an emphasis on coaching.

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