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Lorna Bell Frizzelle
Lorna Bell Frizzelle
Educational Coordinator in Assistive Technology, Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
VDOE's T/TAC at James Madison University

Lorna joined the JMU TTAC Team in August 2022 as an Education Coordinator. Her focus is primarily on Assistive Technology, Autism, and Intellectual Disabilities. Lorna is passionate about helping individuals find ways to communicate and supporting staff to intentionally plan for the success of all students. She is always up for learning anything that can benefit staff and students in their educational journey.

Before joining TTAC, Lorna spent nineteen years working in special education in public schools. Her various roles supported preschool to post-high students by collaborating with teachers, parents, and school personnel about learning, communication, access to instruction with technology support, socialization, and analyzing behavior while integrating a continuum of services to students throughout the school division.

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