
Nicole Stewart-Llamas
Special Education Teacher
Gladeville Elementary School, Carroll County Public Schools
Nicole is in her 11th year as a special education teacher at Gladeville Elementary School in Carroll County. She currently serves students with a variety of abilities in several different disability categories. Nicole is from California and after working one summer as a paraprofessional, she fell in love with teaching. She has a master’s degree in special education and dreams of working with T/TAC in the future. She has “the best paraprofessionals and students in the county” who inspire her to find new ways to meet their needs daily. She is passionate about meeting the sensory needs of her students; and believes when those needs are met, they are more ready to learn.
Event(s) Authored
Archived Ready to Learn - A Whole School Approach to Meeting Sensory Needs - Virtual TechKnowledgy 2019-2020