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Conference Program

AAC from Consideration to Implementation
Presented by: Holly Love and Melanie Derry
Date & Time: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 3:50 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Location: Madison Bldg - Brunswick

Do your divisional teams struggle with determining the most appropriate AAC (augmentative alternative communication) devices? If so, you are not alone! In response to the number of requests that T/TACs across the state were getting around communication, specifically AAC, we have created a process to empower teams to conduct their own AAC evaluations. This process includes using the S.E.T.T. Framework to gather information about the students strengths and interests, determine the current language level and how they will access a device, and how to conduct effective trials to determine the most optimal "fit" for a student. We have also included a section on implementation including evidence-based strategies to teach the use of AAC to both the student and the team supporting the student. Come by this session to hear a brief overview of this process and see where you can access these materials for FREE on the T/TAC Online website!

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